30 Minute Astrology Reading with L.
Mondays-Examining your path through Ancient Astrology
Service Description
Examining how the position of the planetary bodies at your birth shaped your life, then using that information to help you live it more fully. A variety of readings are available here from understanding your birth chart as a beginner and quick check-ins to see which planets are pushing you where, to synastry readings looking at how your chart works with someone else's, onward to applying astrology to troubleshoot various areas in your life. Readings use the tropical zodiac and traditional Hellenistic astrology methods as well as modern psychological techniques and intuitive investigation.
Cancellation Policy
I agree to release Liability and waiver my right to hold Lightning Horse The Healing Ground and it Contractors responsible for any damages, be it mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual. I am aware that deposit made are non-refundable unless appointment is cancelled by Lightning Horse The Healing Ground or its Contractors. I am aware that Major Events will have deposits refunded on a case by case basis. I am aware that all fees will be paid to Lightning Horse The Healing Ground or Contractors.
Contact Details
1289 West Littleton Boulevard, Littleton, CO, USA